Sunday, December 11, 2011

Having the Last Word

Mary really tries to have the last word.

The above photo was taken during a time out. If you can see, Mary's body is straight like a board so that her bottom is not on the step. That is precisely because I said, "Please sit in time out, with your feet on the linoleum and your bottom on the step." She has to find some way to not fully submit! Any time I put her in time out, if I tell her a specific spot, she'll say, "No, here!" and pick somewhere just a few inches away. One time I even sent her into time out sitting and, in order to find a way to defy me, she said, "I want to kneel!" So she knelt on the hard wood floor for her time out (ouch!), by her own choice!


  1. Do you let her get away with it? That would drive me batty. We always do time out in the same exact place. On a stool along the kitchen cabinets. There is very little wiggle room unless they want to fall off. Not that you are asking for advice, but time out wouldn't start at the Salvucci house until she was sitting how and where I had asked.

  2. Jamie:

    1. No, I do not let her get away with it.

    2. Yes, it drives me nuts too.
