Thursday, November 10, 2011

Household Tip: Rubbing Alcohol

Experience is the mother of wisdom, some say. Expanding on an initial tip from my friend Sarah, I can now tell you that simple rubbing alcohol removes:

  • various markers (ball point, Sharpie, highlighter) from painted walls
  • permanent Sharpie marker from white boards
  • permanent Sharpie marker from skin, in particular the face a la Indian war paint
  • ink from fabric seat cushions
  • graffiti from a framed picture of Jesus and the Virgin Mary

And the nice thing about rubbing alcohol is that it is far cheaper and more commonly in a household than Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

I don't want to name names, but let's just say that I never knew about these many uses when John was my only child.


  1. Funny, I just recently learned about these many uses too. Although, unlike you, I could have used this tip when a certain little red-haired girl was younger!!!

  2. you are an eternal optimist for keeping sharpie markers in the house.

  3. Thank you for the tip. Now to find the rubbing alcohol and an old rag.......

  4. I am especially grateful that it removes pen ink from clothing!!

  5. another thing you might find useful for the coming years: hydrogen peroxide does a great job removing blood stains :)

  6. do you rub the alcohol directly on your walls? Does it stain?

  7. Elaine: Yes, I just soak a white wash cloth with rubbing alcohol and use it to scrub the wall. No, I've not seen it stain. I've used it only on white walls, so can't speak to colored walls.

    One tip about getting ink out of fabric is to blot instead of rub because the rubbing alcohol can smear the ink into more areas of the fabric.

  8. one more thing - alcohol CAN remove certain types of paint. So patch test first if you have a snazzy paint job you don't want to mess up.

  9. Whoops - that was Christine.. signed into our other address :)
