Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chris' Birthday 2011

Happy birthday to Chris! I am blessed by God that He "yoked" Chris and me together.

I was intrigued that Mary drew a family portrait for Daddy's birthday card: Her mommy on the left is in feminine shapes (circular head and circular facial features) while her daddy on the right is in the masculine triangular shape.

I was tickled to say that John wrote out his birthday card (with Mommy spelling for him), then decorated with a nautical scene using boat stickers and--for the first time--drawing water for the boats.

Chris was like a kid in a candy store with the antique Catholic Bible "I" gave him for his birthday. (See how I get to take credit when he was the one who stumbled across the Bible on eBay, said that he wanted it, and the money from our only income, which is his paycheck, is what paid for it?)

Later in the evening, we transformed what would have been a simple dinner-and-movie evening to a more fun celebration by having friends join us along with their three children almost the exact ages of our kids. After dinner and ice cream cake, the kids watched "Jungle Book" up in the bonus room while the adults watched "The Mission" in the den. Lots of fun was had by all!

And an update on Chris: He has returned to work this week after a month of for medical leave. On one hand, his recovery has been excellent and better than expected. That said, it is still a long road, with the fusion itself occuring quietly behind the scenes over the coming year (bones knit slowly), during which time Chris definitely has limitations that are easy for me to forget about. Thank you for all your support!

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