Sunday, December 6, 2009

John's Third Birthday Party

This weekend we were honored by John's grandparents, one uncle, and two cousins visiting from Atlanta to celebrate his birthday.

John's cake was much more edible than Mary's a few weeks ago because I used a box mix--but I still made my own frosting! (And the frosting was a different recipe, so yummier also.)

This is a random photo to show how I get anything done even with a baby underfoot and needing me: I wear her! Mary spends a lot of time on my back, even now a year old.
I had spent a week trying my hand at making a pinata. I stayed simple, sticking with a round balloon shape and decorating with streamers in stripes (amazingly, that stash of streamers is from my college graduation party 10 years ago!). John had never before encountered a pinata, but he figured it out fast.

John didn't understand the concept of gathering up the candy, so he stood there eating one chocolate while his cousins collected candy into their bags.

John received a beautiful tricycle hand-me-down from his cousins.

Pop-Pops put the smashed pinata on his head and had the kids rolling with laughter with his comedy routine.

Mary opening a belated birthday gift

Thanks to Grandpa R. for a log cabin set!

The next morning the kids took a try at building the cabin.

John adores the child's accordion given to him by Grandmom and Pop-Pops.

A kaleidoscope!

"Happy Birthday!"

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely birthday! I love that it is just a birthday, without having to be themed. (ugh, which I dislike but feel pressured into by ILs) Your cake is great, so glad it was tasty :) The pinata looks awesome. Looks like a great time. great job mama.
