Wednesday, July 1, 2009

California Day 4

Today I took the children to visit my dear friend Rachel whom I've known since seventh grade.

Rachel's 14-year-old stayed home, but her ten-year-old and two-year-old came with us to the playground.

We tried to get the boys to go down the double slide together to no avail. Will was all for it, but John was shy. Then we went back to Rachel's house for a delicious lunch she cooked.

In the evening we met at the state capitol for a picnic dinner, hosted by our friend Russell's lovely wife Sharon, shown above with her fourth child. Russell works at the capitol and today is the deadline for settling on the state budget, which California virtually never agrees upon on time. Russell will have to work past midnight, so we all met there for a picnic and he was able to join us for a few minutes. We got to poke our heads into the legislative session and there were protesters outside (the ones who want more taxes), so it was rather exciting.

Another of Chris' friends, Steve, also joined us with his wife and firstborn.

For the five minutes Mary was in the stroller instead of my arms, the younger children flocked to her for tickling and general merriment. It was a good thing the stroller was freed up because John got into it and the kids raced him around the cafeteria amidst all the chairs, like an obstacle course. Fun was had by all.


  1. Thank you Katherine for these updates. I look forward to them with my morning coffee. I cannot believe Russell and Sharon having 4children...didn't they have only 1 at your wedding?

    I know it was great for Chris to see his friends and to get a glimpse of his old stomping grounds. Be safe and have a great rest of your trip! love

  2. We started raising our nephew when our daughter was 1 month old (nephew was 6-yrs-old).

    I was pregnant with # 2 daughter at the wedding.

    And baby boy is just 14 mo. So that makes 4 :-)

    At the rate Chris and Katherine are going, though, they'll catch up to us in no time! (Lord willing!)
