Tuesday, June 30, 2009

California Day 3

This morning after John slept till 5:30 (an hour later than yesterday!), we ate breakfast at my favorite truck stop diner, Cindy's.

This is an old-school diner. For example, my coffee mug handle was broken . . . and repaired with glue.
Before our food arrived, John was playing and looking over the edge of the booth to the window sill. He said enthusiastically, "There are many bugs! There are many bugs!" To a two-year-old boy, many bugs are a wonderful thing. (But the food has always been great and the friendly service that which you would expect at an old school truck stop diner. I don't think that dead bugs in the window sill is the end of the world.)

After breakfast, we drove to the Sacramento zoo to meet my dad, sister, and five-year-old niece. (Note to my friends who love baby carriers: You can see my new chocolate-and-camel Ergo. The buckle on my two-year-old Ergo broke three days before our visit to California. It was so hard to get ready for a trip and pack without use of my Ergo; I seriously do not know how mothers parent babies and get anything done without baby carriers. Anyway, the repair of the buckle would have taken a month, so I purchased for 40% off an Ergo that had been briefly used and returned to the company. I had it shipped directly to my mom's house to be there when I arrived in California and, when I get home, I'll also have my old Ergo buckle repaired. There are at least two features on my new Ergo that I really like.)

Maddie being a flamingo.

About a half hour into our visit, Chris discovered that he had had John's old lollipop stuck to his shirt since getting out of the car. None of us had noticed.

Maddie explaining that the koi pond is stinky.

John was actually trying to smile for the camera.

Chris found these Ray Ban sunglasses on the plane. He tried to turn them in to a steward, but was told that "nobody comes back for those." Then we had to debate whether Chris should keep them because they are way too cool for him. As you can see, he kept the glasses, but don't let it ruin his reputation as a total square.

Maddie and John had never had their faces painted, so we had that done.

Well, Maddie had that done. John was too fearful, even after I had a bumble bee painted on my arm to show him that it was okay.

Do you know how hard it is to take photos of a moving carousel? This is the best photo of a big collection.

We rode the sweet, tiny train through the zoo, which was the highlight for John.

Then we stopped at the snack shack to get the kids ice cream cones. Mary found Grandpa's nose highly interesting.

John was so tired on the way home that he went from demanding food to passing out almost mid-chew, with his little hand still clutching his snack.

After John's three-hour nap and dinner, we took a walk and visited the nearby playground where John pet the same incredibly gregarious cat we met last year.


  1. I looooove Cindy's! Chris lived right around the corner from it when we first met, and I'm wild about their stuffed french toast. I don't even want to THINK about all the calories in that gloppy goodness! :-)

    Looks like you had a fantastic time at the zoo despite the heat! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a three-hour nap from Mr. Theo....

  2. WOW! Does the Sac Zoo have a carousel now?

  3. I'm enjoying your travelogue, Katherine. And I have to say, those sunglasses look great on Chris!

  4. Janeane: Yes, the carousel opened in May and it is beautiful and classic! It costs $2 per ride, the adult must ride with the child but the adult is free.

  5. Cathleen: Have hope! John NEVER napped like this at Theo's age. He was still a cat-napper all day long with no routine. It's really been since turning two that he fell into this beautiful routine. Now he usually sleeps for a two-hour nap after lunch, occasionally shorter, but also sometimes as long as three hours. Of course, he makes up for it with his overnights. I think that generally I need to be waking him up if he is still sleeping after two hours because it might make him not tired enough for the overnight.

  6. That's awesome...as soon as it cools off, and I'm not so round, I'll have to take the kids there!

  7. Lol...confession time: I noticed your new Ergo immediately! I've been DYING for a new one. I hate the sleeping hood on the old design and when my sister bought hers recently (she has a five month old DD), I could see that was a big improvement. DH says not until baby #3, though! What else do you like about the new design?

  8. Courtney: The sleeping hood design is a new improvement I really like. No more hood straps dragging down where a toddler can grab them and yank on his baby sister. The other thing I really like is hard to explain because I don't have the vocabulary. You know the strap that goes across your chest when you're wearing the Ergo on the back? Well, in the old design it is quite loose and slides up and down the main arm loops. That's not so problematic except when wearing the Ergo in front (which I do a lot, actually, esp. in months 3-6). Then I'm reaching behind my back hunting for that chest strap which has by then slid away from me and I might have to reload the baby. Now the chest strap is attached on a tight sliding thing on the arm loops so you can put it where you want it and it doesn't just slide away.

    When you're ready to buy a new Ergo, consider calling the company to inquire about their return stock. When I called, there were 6-8 in stock, used briefly and returned within 30 days, laundered by the company, and they were something like $60 instead of the normal $100.

  9. Now that you mention it, I did notice the difference in the strap you mention. Thanks for the tip about the return stock. Armed with that info, maybe I can negotiate an upgrade sooner! ;-) I wear mine SO MUCH, and I think the sleeping hood change alone might be worth it! I never really got the hang of the old one; it seems like this one would be easy to get into place when baby is on your back?
