Thursday, July 2, 2009

California Day 5

Today we took John on his first-ever bus ride. He has been asking to ride a bus for quite a while!

True to his nature, John was somber and tucked himself into Daddy's arm while he observed what was going on around him. I was the most excited person on the bus but my exuberant commentary didn't seem to help John relax. A bus ride is serious business, no laughing matter!

By the end of the bus ride, I noticed John quietly singing "The Wheels on the Bus" to himself, but when I tried to join in, he became quiet again. We rode the bus to my alma mater, the University of California at Davis.

There are a half dozen or so "egg head statues" on campus and John enjoyed examining them.

Daddy was hiding behind the egg head, holding John.

Standing with Grampa Neil on a bridge over Putah Creek.

"I just need to rest a little bit."

Moments later, John was done resting and resumed racing through the Arboretum.

We forgot our dried bread, so fed the ducks granola bars and dehydrated pea-snacks.

On the bus ride home, Mary was in my Ergo on my front when she reached into my backpack and pulled out John's sippy cup by herself. I offered it to her and she figured out how to drink out of it very quickly!

For dinner we met my dad, his friend Lynn, my sister, her husband, and my niece at The Olive Garden.

Grandpa making funny faces at Mary.

We had a private room, so the kids were able to play in the corner while the adults talked.

Chris has been yearning to try Mary's hair in pig tails so today he bought some tiny hair clips. How darn cute is Mary? With her hair in pig tails and her body so fat, she looks like a one-year-old to me!

A random cute moment from the day: We were leaving the house and John asked where we were going. Chris answered, "We're all going somewhere in Daddy's car." John replied, "That's not Daddy's car! That's a rental car."


  1. VERY CUTE!!!! Thanks for sthe great updates! Love

  2. i'm surprised john liked the egg-headed freaky faces... those would have definitely given me nightmares as a child -- heck, even now!! LOL

  3. The photo with the men & John feeding the birds is wonderful! The colors are amazing!
