Sunday, May 31, 2009


Mary enjoyed gnawing on watermelon rind.

Each time she lost it, she'd cry until we handed it back to her. Other flavors she has clamoured for lately are spicy guacamole and curry. Plain yogurt mixed with apple sauce was not a hit. [EDIT: And this morning for breakfast she really enjoyed roasted red pepper hummus--quite a zingy flavor!]


  1. WOW; Cole has just had green beans, sweet potatoes, and bananas so far!


  2. Miss Mary's flavor preferences remind me of Emma's at her age. She was even powering down small bites of chicken from my Kung Pao dish. Nothing bland for her, thank you...

  3. Wow, what a difference between how your two little ones eat! It'll be interesting to see how their tastes develop as they get older. Wouldn't it be funny if John turned out to be the more adventurous eater in the long run? I suppose stranger things have happened...

  4. Too funny - we ALSO have that booster seat in BOTH the orange/white/yellow color combo and the white/blue/green combo! We loved the first one so much for Leo, when found out I was pregnant again, I got another one in a different color combo. I actually like the orange/yellow combo better. It's very cheerful. Reminds me of sunshine!
