Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday: A Priestly Blessing

On Saturday, Thomas visited our priest Fr. Timothy Reid to receive a special blessing before his upcoming surgery. (One must be of the age of reason to receive Extreme Unction or Anointing of the Sick.)

When Thomas heard where he was going, he ran instantly and wordlessly to his closet and grabbed all his best clothing, including his Mass coat and his hat with matching bow tie. "I want to dress like a man," is what he always says.

Since coming home from the blessing, he has modified his ever clarifying goals of what he wants to be when he grows up: "I want to be a firefighter who rides a horse AND a priest."

Miscellaneous Moments from Saturday

David: "Look Mama! I put on my sweater all by myself!"

Thomas: "Your sweater is upside down!"

Three brothers simply watching television, but I thought it was a sweet moment, as Thomas so often is snuggling on someone's lap.


  1. Tell Thomas that fire departments need chaplains, so he could *TOTALLY* be a firefighter and a priest. (He is probably a bit too young to tell about Fr. Mychal Judge, the fire department chaplain, who ran INTO the World Trade Center to help people.)

    1. Our parish priest is also a firefighter (not sure, if he can ride a horse though).
