Saturday, December 7, 2013

Now John Knows He Can Read!

Maybe it was the confidence that comes from turning seven, who knows, but this week John truly discovered that he can read.

Really read!

As his parent-teacher, I've known that John could read for ages. He's in All About Reading Level 2, learning his phonics beautifully, and he reads his reader (primer) stories during school time just fine.

I would tell him that if he can read during school, he can read out of school. I would show him books we have laying around the house that I know he could read. I would even point out words: 'look, honey, you know all these words!' But he'd maintain that he couldn't read that.

It's not that he dislikes books. To the contrary, he listens to audiobooks a couple of hours daily and flips through thick books every night, often for an hour, before falling asleep. But he was looking at them, not reading them.

But then a few days ago, I went to investigate why his light was still on at nine o'clock at night and found him reading "Mouse Soup." He was truly reading it. He was amazed and delighted, which made me feel the same way! In fact, I didn't even make him turn off his light, it was so fun.

The next couple of nights, he has asked to read bedtime stories to the girls.

He also gathered all the 'I Can Read' books he could find in the house and stockpiled them by his bed.

I presume this is a milestone I will see with each of the subsequent children and I hope it always feels this 'magical.' I love seeing the light turn on for our son, his realizing that the whole world of books (stories, information) is open to him.


  1. Oh how exciting! And were just talking about this! What joy!

  2. Yes, you and I were just talking about this! And then it happened, like a magical night. So fun!

  3. That is so sweet! One of my proudest moments in parenthood thus far has been seeing Leo read books to his younger siblings!

  4. Seven was the switch here too. He went from his assigned readers (Amelia Bedelia, Nate the Great, etc.) to Baum and Wilder overnight. I have to insist now that some books are for read-aloud and please don't read ahead without me! Lol, So exciting to see them discover not only they can read but they love it!

    Do you place limits on bedtime reading? We have official lights out, but I often find myself extending his time or ignoring the light I can see down the hallway. Maybe bad from a child-training perspective, but I can bear to make him stop reading. I was like that as a child too. He comes down the hall full of plot twists and interesting facts, and it's the best!

  5. Mouse Soup was a delight to my children and so they gave it to my nephew who was having trouble reading, and he also took off with it! I love Lobel. Great job, John! Exciting times.

  6. Courtney: I do go up sometime later and make him turn lights out if he's still reading. But we're not strict about an exact time. I know, not so good for child training!
