Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

T minus 1 day . . . 

I've been burning the candle at both ends, so when I woke the morning of Christmas Eve and realized I was downstairs all by myself, not one other soul awake, I decided not to bustle about my morning duties like usual but to give myself some rest and relaxation in hopes of achieving some peace, which would benefit my family.

Hear the silence? A little slice of heaven!

For a full half an hour, I sat by the Christmas tree, decorated solely by lights, drinking coffee and reading the final installment of Narnia. I'm an introvert who needs solitude to recharge, but I get a few minutes truly alone only once every few weeks, maybe longer, so I considered this morning a real Christmas gift to me!

It seems that all our talk about Advent being a penitential season is sinking in. At breakfast, I set out one Christmas candy at each plate. John (7) saw it and inquired immediately, "Is it still Advent?" I answered, "Well, yes, this is the last day of Advent." He replied, "Then I will save my candy until after breakfast, as a little sacrifice." Love those moments!

Mary helping me peel fruit and vegetables

I completed today's cooking, as well as the last of the cooking for Christmas dinner, so that tomorrow's tasks will be fewer.

Margaret helping me stir the souffle

I truly don't know how I would get anything done if I weren't a Baby-Wearing Mama!

With the slow cooker and the oven cooking, and the laundry machine humming, it was time to decorate the tree! I put out a plate of various Christmas cookies to munch on while we worked.

I have come to enjoy decorating on Christmas Eve so much!

And this year was the best so far. Maybe it was the fact that the older children are now five and seven, so can participate really whole-heartedly now. Many hands made light work!

Our family in front of the newly decorated tree

 Somebody please tell me how John grew from a Christmas baby seven years ago to this strapping boy now!

All the boys!

My dinner menu was: Pork Chops with Apples, Sweet Potatoes, and Sauerkraut (a slow-cooker entree: convenient, but a recipe I wouldn't repeat); Fettuccine Alfredo (homemade sauce); and Green Bean Parmesan Casserole (a recipe I wouldn't repeat). Cooking keeps me humble!

Chris and the two older children (who can stay up later) went to the Christmas Eve traditional Latin Mass at our local parish, while I got the two littler ones tucked into bed.

The completed Jesse tree

The stockings are hung from the chimney with care, the presents are placed under the tree, the house is clean, the kitchen table is set for breakfast and the dining table is set for dinner, the bread is staling overnight to make French toast, a sack lunch is packed (as our Christmas day Mass time will keep us out at the lunch hour), and the entire dinner is cooked. Let's just say that my energy is through-the-roof higher on non-baby years than it has been on the four Christmas celebrations I've been heavy with child!

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