Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Walking with Daddy

Here is a photo of John bundled up to go with Daddy on an early morning walk in our new, wonderfully dropping temperatures. Being seven months pregnant, anything over about 60 degrees feels like a sauna--or some kind of heat-torture--to me, so this new weather is wonderful!

Last night Chris and I left our sweet boy with a paid babysitter for the first time so we could attend an evening diocesan event. We found a great teenaged boy babysitter from a nice family at church, as recommended by our priest. John seemed to have a great time: he didn't cry when we left and was cheerful when we came home. (Frankly, I was a little resentful that he didn't miss me more!) And I didn't feel a trace of anxiety while we were gone! At bedtime, John seemed to be processing what had happened earlier in the evening: he said to us, "Mama Dada vroom [car] go!"
I can't believe how my baby is metamorphosing into a little boy right before my eyes. His language skills are exploding. He's starting to be able to answer more questions from us. He climbs the stairs by himself, sits in a regular chair at the table, eats with grown-up plates and utensils (he refuses the baby ones now), and feeds himself (pretty well!). Just as my baby disappears, we'll have a new baby arriving! Nine weeks till my estimated due date!


  1. Gosh 9 wks! where did the time go?? LOL

    glad you got some time w/your dh. that's nice, isn't it?

    hope youre doing well

  2. WOW! Only 9 more weeks (I know, still seems like a long time)??? I'm looking forward to "meeting" Lauer Baby #2!!!!
