Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #33

Easter Wednesday, Self-Isolation Day #33

We appreciate continued prayers for my husband's mother D. who was on a ventilator in ICU with confirmed COVID-19 for 16 days and is now starting what is a serious and challenging rehabilitation. 

Math, music, and outdoor time . . . The weather was exquisite with a high around 61, brilliant sun, and gentle breezes, with no humidity, reminding me of the California coast.

Thomas (4) speed racing on his bike

I caught up on my lesson planning for next week and then transplanted some house plants with my helper . . .

. . . and I also walked the entire property searching for more poison ivy, taking photos of suspect plants for later identification and eradication.

David (2-1/2) is loving the dolly passed down to him by a sibling. The sibling made the doll boy clothing and David named him "Frankie." David carries him around, wraps him in a blanket when "Frankie is cold!", feeds him bits of food, built him an elaborate house of blocks, and even takes Frankie to do his own potty checks. It is soooooooooooooo cute!

Frankie in bed with his cell phone and toy ball nearby

For dessert (Easter octave!) we ate a Very Angry Apple Pie.

John spent a week writing his own questions--on History, Catholicism, Geography, Capitols, and Music--for Jeopardy using Jeopardy Maker and tonight hosted a game via Zoom with a few other pals. It was loads of wholesome fun.

Bonus Reading for Posterity:

  • All the videos and articles I have been resisting posting because they were too "black helicopter" conspiracy theory by independent journalists and because I didn't have the emotional fortitude to withstand the accusations that "you just hate old people and want them to die which isn't Christian" are now the same information being splashed across regular nightly news on mainstream channels. Serious journalists are now considering the likelihood that this virus came out of the Wuhan laboratory. Serious economists and journalists are starting to tally the many, many costs of COVID-19 in addition to deaths.
  • The state protests have begun against this economic lockdown, which is interesting to watch on the news. In one state capitol, 15,000 cars circled the capitol honking their horns.
  • Meanwhile, the CDC and our local governor (among others) are starting to lay out guidelines for how to reopen the economy. That said, I heard from someone who spoke directly to a state senator that our governor is currently planning to extend our lockdown till the end of May, which would end up being 2.5 months total.
  • CDC, FEMA Have Created Plan To Reopen America. Here’s The Projected Start Date And Phases.
  • Governor Cooper lays out what it will take to open up North Carolina
  • This emergency room doctor from New York City wrote a very moving piece documenting the last six weeks or so. It was extremely moving and heart wrenching to read about the hardest-hit area in our U.S.A. It's worth investing the time to read it.  I’m an E.R. Doctor in New York. None of Us Will Ever Be the Same.


  1. So excited to see the good news about your mother-in-law. I will continue to pray for her. Hope you all are doing well.

  2. The reopening of the economy is going to have to be a state-by-state thing because each state is very different. The good analogy I've heard from the governors of California (home state) and Washington (current state) is that it is going to be like turning a dial, not flipping a light switch. We're seeing a small uptick in COVID-19 cases in my county, so I doubt anything is going to be changing here for a bit.
