Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Self-Isolation Day #32

Easter Tuesday, Self-Isolation Day #32

An update from my husband: 
Praise be Jesus Christ who is risen from the dead on Easter morning!  We are overjoyed with the news that my mother D. was removed from the machine ventilation [on Monday April 13, after 15 days on the ventilator] and is breathing mostly on her own (with only non-invasive assistance).  She is speaking basic yes and no answers and is being fed ice chips.  We look working with hospital staff to slowly phase in communication where she can speak to family without overwhelming her.  With hope, we look forward to her rehabilitation continuing with each passing day. Thank you for your continued prayers. [And from me: D's birthday is this upcoming weekend! We thought this would be the saddest birthday ever, but it turns out it will be one of great joy!]

I have no photos from an otherwise Groundhog's day of math and music, climbing trees, playing Frisbee, studying German, launching a new project of making cloth on a homemade loom, enjoying Tuesday Taco Night, going on a family walk, and the oldest kids watching the first half of "Driving Miss Daisy" (our family never manages to watch one movie in one sitting--does yours?).

Bonus Reading for Posterity:


  1. Praise God!!! Continued prayers and very Happy Birthday to her!!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!

  2. That is wonderful news! I will continue praying for her rehab.


  3. Thank the good Lord! I have been praying for her and just had a feeling this morning before checking your blog that today would bring good news. I'm sure you all are overjoyed!

    I will continue to pray for her full recovery.

  4. Thank you for the amazing news on D!

  5. Praise be to God! Praying for her continual recovery.
