Wednesday, July 8, 2015

An Open Letter to the Wee Baby

Dear Baby,

The housecleaners came today, so your new home is sparkling fresh and all beds have fresh sheets. Daddy blew leaves off the driveway, reorganized the garage, cleaned the inside of the van, and installed your new car seat. The lawn has been mowed. Today was trash day so our garbage and recycling cans stand empty.

Your siblings have all had baths, so they're squeaky clean too.

We have babysitters hired for the next two days and then it will be the weekend, so Daddy won't be working.

The refrigerator and pantry are stocked full of groceries. A lovely friend brought us a meal today and another said she's bringing a meal tomorrow.

Mama would love to distract herself in these last weeks of pregnancy with social activities, outings with the kids, and house projects, but being on bed rest leaves me naval-gazing all day long . . . and that naval is atop a very big pregnant belly housing you. Lastly, Mama has an inconvenient, far-away prenatal appointment on Friday morning . . . but I have to attend it only if I am still pregnant!

So, all of this is to say: dear, sweet, wee baby, the next 36 hours would be truly ideal for you to make your entrance into the world, if you so desire to be a considerate, convenient, angelic kind of baby!

Your Mama

1 comment:

  1. Take a sleeping pill and you will awake in labor. It worked for me. Love you, mom
