Friday, June 6, 2014

The Girl Who Liked Scissors

Once upon a time . . . 

There was a mommy who really liked girls to have long hair. But God gave her one daughter who really liked scissors. And even after she cut her own hair three times and received teaching and consequences, Big Sister decided to "play barbershop" with Little Sister.

The evidence was found hidden deep at the bottom of a trash can.

God likely knew just how much Mommy was going to 'see red' so somehow Mommy was blinded to noticing Little Sister's hair for the entire afternoon until Big Sister was gone for four hours to an evening event with Daddy. This let Big Sister avoid Mommy's unreasonable wrath so Mommy was very calm the next morning when she sat down Big Sister for A Talk.

Big Sister and Little Sister playing "pizza" while waiting at the hair salon.

One of Big Sister's consequences was having to pay for the now-needed professional haircut herself out of her allowance savings. Consider it an early opportunity to learn the adult responsibility of making reparation!


Yes, the four inches long cut was taken out of a wide swath in the back, as well as in the front on one side. There was no hiding it!

That's about how Mommy felt too: whaddya gonna do?

And now Little Sister has a bit of a "shaggy bob" haircut!


  1. Good job keeping calm but imposing consequences ! My oldest daughter cut the curtains...of our large, picture window in the living room. And our youngest daughter but a big chuck out of the front of her long hair... necessitating bangs. I am still leery of leaving scissors around years later !

  2. LOL :-) although disobedience is never funny ;-) The shaggy bob is adorable! <3

  3. I'm sure you'll be laughing about this years from now! :3 and her cut is very cute! I love it! <3

  4. Oh dear, you WILL laugh about this one day. My now almost 21-year old daughter used to do it to herself ALL the time. She is now a hairdresser. Go figure. :)
