Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Joseph is Six Months Old

It sounds trite, but I'll say it again: time flies! I can hardly believe that Joseph is six months old.

He seems by far our most relaxed baby, which begs the question of nature versus nurture. Much of his waking hours, he has three siblings holding him, touching him, talking loudly in his face, moving him to and fro. He watches quietly. He's often watching us so quietly that I forget about him for a few moments. He was not colicky like the other three babies, which I calculate saved me 540 to 900 hours during the first six months alone of my walking a baby screaming inconsolably at a deafening level (and, if you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not).

Excluding in the car where Joseph screams because he hates it, Joseph has been crabby and loud about three times, only when sick. Otherwise, if he's tired or hungry, he's makes ever so small of a squeak, I meet his need, and he's back to quietude.

He can roll over, which I know because he rolls easily to find me lying next to him,
but he rarely if ever rolls over to reach a
toy. He's got priorities!

Daddy's dark brown eyes and long eyelashes

He sits up only with a hand to hold.

No solid foods yet, but he's a champion nurser and weighs about 18 pounds, triple his birth weight.

I'm really in love with this cheerful, calm little guy!


  1. Be still my heart! Katherine, he's just a hunk! Give him a smooch from an admirer.
