Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rearranged School Room

Hello third trimester, hello organizing! Obviously at 30 weeks, this isn't "I'm-About-to-Deliver-Nesting-Madness," but I find that being in the third trimester drives me into a panic that "How can we welcome another person into this family when the closets aren't organized?!" (Humorous post by husband four days before Mary was born.) Yesterday I rearranged the bonus room (which is the school room and play room).

The reading nook: Margaret can now get around the baby gate, so I can't currently keep a toddler away from pulling books off shelves. I took down the gate, since it's useless in this stage.

The television nook: The TV is in the armoire. The kids and I do a lot of our school reading on the love seat. Sometimes I tell John to go do X number of jumps on the trampoline before we read.

The exercise nook: If only you could see the assembled dust from lack of use by Mama. The idea is that I can walk on the treadmill while the children are occupied in this fun and safe room. (The seesaw is perched up there in a long-term "time out" because of continuing fights over it.)

My new classroom nook! I turned my desk and aligned a bookshelf with it in order to form a sort of wall, making this a room of sorts. We don't use the little desks much, except for Margaret who likes to sit in one and color during School Time. We do a lot of our schooling at the round table.

Now I have shelving space where I can keep my teacher's books separated from the children's books which they're free to browse through anytime. And I have space on my desk to do my planning!


  1. Love it! If I could add one thing to our school room, it would be a couch. We had one at our old house, but alas, here the room is just too small. I was wondering if you were going to say you'd started using desks. We have a round table too, and the work/play of the younger ones is starting to encroach on my oldest a bit too much. I've been thinking a desk for independent work might be nice.

  2. There is just sheer pleasure in organizing and re-arranging. I love the new layout!
