Saturday, November 8, 2008

Anyone need anything Alphabetized?

We have entered that final stage of the pregnancy where Katherine starts cleaning, organizing, and alphabetizing everything in the house. If any of you out there need anything indexed or organized in any way, please contact me. Maybe you would like your entire wardrobe re-ordered ROYGBIV, by season and size. I charge $45 per hour for Katherine's time, plus expenses (which may include large quantities of strange snack foods and gummy products). In addition you must make it so that the inside of your home is below 12 degrees Fahrenheit.


  1. Following is a list of tasks I can remember completing in the last week:

    Finished unpacking moving boxes in the bedroom, made progress on last boxes in the front sitting room; washed and organized newborn clothing and receiving blankets into the bureau; purchased new Corelle plates and re-organized the kitchen dish cabinets; re-organized the kitchen bookshelves; organized three drawers in the kitchen so now we have drawers exclusively for cloth napkins and candles plus an official junk drawer; moved all treat foods from the pantry into an official "treat cupboard" out of John's reach; finished ordering the bonus room (my office); created lists that I'm posting around the house for helpers (how to do laundry, foods that John will eat, easy postpartum meal ideas for Katherine); alphabetized our DVD collection; organized our magazines into magazine holders on the bookshelves and used a label-maker to label the holders.

    And I did all this in the sweltering heat of our house that is set at 68. It's like some kind of POW heat torture.

    Despite Chris' teasing, I have not re-organized my wardrobe into rainbow order. My wardrobe has always been organized into rainbow order. If Chris wants to keep his wardrobe in chaotic color order, that's his business!

  2. LOL! I would have given anything for such NESTING energy! I think it's great! Katherine, come here. There is plenty to do, built in babysitting and playmates, and I just awakened to a house that bottomed out to 66 degrees. I turned the heat on ONLY to get the temp up to 68. Is it any wonder that Mary Elizabeth won't sleep in her cosleeper? LOL

  3. Oh my, this is just hysterical...what a fun thing to read first thing in the morning!

  4. Hilarious post, and even more amusing comment/clarification, Katherine. I tend to be a bit obsessive about closet organization, too (I once posted about my "silly" tagging system), and my clothes are grouped by type and color, but I don't think I've ever put them in exact "rainbow order." Wow.

    Very thoughtful of you to write out instructions - I'll have to keep that in mind. :)

  5. I got a good laugh out of your "nesting."

  6. Is Chris keeping his wardrobe in chaotic color order again? Gee, I am so surprized! He wasn't raised this way!

    love, mom

  7. Ohh Katherine you should come stay at our house! We don't put our heat on above 63...64 for extreme cold. And we turn the heat OFF at night!! (it is often in the 50s when we wake up)

    68 seems rather warm even if you aren't pregnant!!

  8. ooo...I'd fly you out, but you probably shouldn't fly :-)
