Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sweet, Quiet Moment

The children were being suspiciously "too quiet" in the play room, so Chris went up to check on them. It turns out that they were reading the world atlas in the tent, with John discussing Christopher Columbus' sea routes with Mary. Last week we read Columbus by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire (and may all grandparents be notified that their books are amazing and I now want all the D'Aulaire books for our homeschooling library!).

Chris ended the recording so fast because he heard such a clear "Daddy" from somewhere and didn't know what was going on, since it wasn't coming from Mary. Turns out it was little Margaret speaking so clearly! (Interestingly, she is the first of our children to call me 'Mommy' instead of 'Mama.')


  1. So sweet...silence in my house is rarely a good thing! :)

  2. We have a bunch of the D'Aulaire books. We have the Greek Myths, Norse Myths, Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, & George Washington. The kids love them all. Especially the Greek Myths one.

  3. Just went and placed some holds on some of these books, thanks for the recs!
