Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mark the Calendar!

Guess which 17-month-old slept through the night last night? Just guess!

Margaret went to bed around 8:00, woke maybe around 9:30, and then didn't wake again until 5:00 when I was able to get her back to sleep till 6:30. Of course, mommies accustomed to babies who wake every 90 minutes don't easily transition to actually sleeping. So you can guess which mommy lay awake for hours trying to convince herself that crib death is almost unheard of in a 17-month-old, but finally had to sneak into the baby's room with a flashlight to make sure Margaret was sleeping peacefully.

I readily admit that if my primary goal were to get my baby to sleep through the night as soon as possible, I do everything wrong and would be earning a big fat 'F.' But that is not my primary goal, so isn't it all that much sweeter when the baby (toddler!) starts sleeping longer! Yay, I feel so good this morning!


  1. So lovely! My 3yo still doesn't sleep through the night, so that will prove to be interesting once the new baby arrives (and if she's anything like her older siblings, she too will be waking every hour and a half!).

  2. Yay for Margaret! Ah, sweet, blessed sleep! Isn't it wonderful?

  3. Janeane: Our 3-year-old doesn't sleep through the night either. Both John and she had night terrors (usually runs in families). John took about 2.5 years to outgrow, Mary is almost done outgrowing hers, right on schedule. But she still cries/screams out in the night at least three or four times and that wakes me up . . . even if I am incredibly grateful that the 45-minute night terrors that sometimes happened numerous times per night are in our past!

  4. Wow! I'm thrilled to read this, you can definitely use more sleep!

  5. That's very exciting! At 18 months we still haven't reached that milestone here!

  6. Sounds blissful! Can't wait for it to be my turn!

  7. What a blessing for you! I know what you mean about getting an 'F' in the get my kids to sleep through the night department. My kids never sleep through the night until a month or two before a new baby is born. My almost 21 month old wakes a lot still. I am so happy for you!!

  8. Yay!! I know how that feels, right down to not being able to sleep even though the toddler is out cold. Our 21 month old has had a few huge leaps this summer. He day and night potty trained, and has been SSTN lately (without actual nightweaning!). I still usually sleep with him, though once night I was trying to sleep in my own bed. I couldn't, of course, and I ran through the Toddler Sudden Death Syndrome scenario and also had this vision of him opening his bedroom window, pushing out the screen, and falling out. I finally just got up and went to sleep with him. LOL!

    However, in the interest of full disclosure, I must confess neither the 6 nor 4 year old sleep all night in their own beds. Except on very rare occasions, they make their way to the "big bed" sometime during the night. *sigh*
