Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anniversary Night Out (Sort Of)

Happy seven-year anniversary . . .

(1) to me on my Confirmation into the Catholic Church, and
(2) to us on our engagement to marriage!

I got to enjoy the day by going on a Mothers' Night Out to a restaurant with a special group of Catholic ladies who meet for spiritual study monthly. Chris pointed out, "I think this is the first time in two years that you've been to a mothers' night out without a baby."

Yes, something like that! I get pretty regular Saturday morning breaks without the children (thanks, Chris!), but nighttime outings are a lot longer in coming because of my being a nursing mommy.

Note above the itty bitty purse I got to take with me! See you later, giant diaper bag!

Note the empty van with exactly zero children in it!

I had a wonderful time. I was so relaxed, even about the 17-month-old and her bedtime without me, that I forgot to check my phone for text messages from Chris until 9:30 at night. Glad there wasn't any trouble!


  1. Love the little purse and the empty car! :) Ah, the things that have significance to us now!
    So glad you were able to get out!

  2. It's always nice to get out on your own every once in awhile, even for just a few hours. Heck, I find going to the grocery store, ALONE, for 20 minutes a luxury! :)
