Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Faith Adventure Days 1 and 2

My friend Mari and I decided to jointly purchase the Holy Heroes Summer Faith Adventure (like Catholic VBS) and host it together for our children. We were anxious about making the decision because we knew she'd be about 37 weeks pregnant when we were doing the program. And even a couple of weeks ago when we were placing the order, I still felt so nauseated and exhausted that I wasn't sure I could do it . . . but at nearing 12 weeks I am actually starting to feel better! My midwife laughed and said, "You know, it is possible you're going to have a typical pregnancy!"

Mari taught Days 1 and 2 this week, hosting at her house. Kids participating were her 6- and 4-year-olds and my 5- and 3-year-olds. Grandmothers took Mari's 2-year-old away both mornings, and my 1-year-old toddled around happily.

The program is very well-designed and could easily be used even by a parish. We alternate praying, showing the children a lesson on DVD, making a snack, showing a lesson, singing a song, eating the snack, showing a lesson, making a craft, showing a lesson, and praying. It takes about three hours and the lessons on DVD are sound and full of meaningful information, not just fluff. There is additional scripture study available and an activity book that we've been doing with our kids on our own in the afternoons.

Decorating sugar cookies with crowns and keys (representing Jesus giving Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven) 

Creating the bishops' miter 

Playing "Child of God" 

Chasing around the lumbering old cat, crying out "cat! meow!" 

Proudly showing his collection of cicada shells, which he was sure the other girls would want to receive as a gift 

 Smashing jolly ranchers in order to make the snack

Making stained glass window cookies 

 Making stained glass windows for a craft

 The stained glass cookies were by then cooled and ready to eat!

The kids were not enthusiastic about playing Sheep and Wolves, nor could they quite follow the game instructions. So we asked them just to run around to get out some energy.

Mari and I are still figuring out "classroom management." It's my turn next week to teach Days 3, 4, and 5!


  1. I was wondering if this was the project you were referring too. I am planning on doing this next week!

  2. Good for you guys! I've actually had the Summer Faith Adventure for a couple of summers now, but I've never done it! I also had the idea that sharing the load with another family or two would make it more enjoyable for all. (Came this close to asking you, in fact, after the first time you mentioned it!) ...Maybe next year! Looks like it is going well. Can't wait to hear about the rest! ...Oh, and I do love the Songs of Faith and Love! Even though I haven't used the other materials yet, I feel like that alone was well worth it!

  3. We just love the songs CD! I bought it a few months ago, not realizing it was part of the Summer Faith Adventure, and we listen to it all the time. The kids are often heard singing the songs. :)

  4. I considered seeing if other mothers were interested in joining us, but I felt so daunted that I decided just to try it with our small group. I remain unsure how classroom management would go with more children because we're struggling maintaining control with just four children! However, I've been pondering how it could work with more mothers in a future year. Maybe we could round robin at houses. And one of the biggest benefits could be having a proper nursery with one or two mothers dedicated to playing with toddlers in another room! The toddlers are one of the more difficult parts!

  5. So glad to hear you're feeling relatively o.k.! :-) Hope it keeps up!!!

  6. I am glad you are having this learning experience this summer. The reason why I ended up deciding not to do it (again) this year is that too have felt so daunted by it! (and when i got it, I thought it would be good homeschooling practice. After all, I should be able to do 5 days worth of planned activities with my kids, right?? :P )

  7. Sarah: I totally hear you! Doing this was for me partly a challenge to self, that I wanted to see if I could do it. If I'm going to start homeschooling, I should be able to swing this! It has definitely called on new skills and I'm learning a lot of pragmatic stuff!
