Monday, July 23, 2012

Hot Dog Cookout

Chris' parents joined us for a lovely weekend visit! They both grew up in Buffalo, NY, so we put on a traditional Buffalo hot dog party (as traditional as we could without a grill!) with plenty of Sahlen's dogs, Weber's horseradish prepared mustard, and picalilly relish (all brought home in a cooler from Chris' recent trip). And when I say, "we put on," I mean that my mother-in-law did almost all of the cooking and preparations, and then she and my father-in-law cleaned my kitchen to sparkling.

11 weeks 6 days: seriously, there is only one baby in there!


  1. I didn't know your in laws were from Buffalo! Neat!

  2. Katherine you look fantastic!!!

    Do you read the blog House Unseen. Life Unscripted? She just had her 5th baby and she experienced the same thing. Just totally popping out really early. It turned out it was because he rib cage was so separated. Do you know anything about that stuff?

  3. Sooo envious of your hot-dog feast! I'm a firm believer that no one does hot dogs like Buffalo! I eat at Ted's at least once every visit, and I relish (ha ha, nice pun, eh?) it every time!!

  4. Look at that baby belly! I seriously cannot get over how quickly I popped out with my current pregnancy. I, too, have found myself saying "honestly, there is only one in there!!!"
