Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer Faith Adventure Day 5

Watching a DVD lesson: today the children received M&M candies for answering questions and participation.

The song of the day was "To Be a Saint!" which just so happens to be Mary's favorite. She's got some good dance moves.

Our craft of the day was to make "cupples," which are saint dolls made out of paper cups. My two children each made a doll of our pastor . . . although John said, "I'm giving my Fr. R---- red hair, just like me."

A puppet show by my children with the two Fathers R---- giving a homily.


  1. I am enjoying reading about the activities you are doing with the summer faith vacation. I am inspired to try this in a couple of years.

    The activities are so neat. Are the materials all included with a kit?

  2. No, all the materials are not included in the kit. It comes with the DVD, leader's manual, and activity books. But you will need to buy ingredients for the snacks and supplies for the crafts. However, they are all common supplies. I already had all the craft supplies and needed only to buy a few specific snack ingredients I don't normally carry.
