Saturday, July 28, 2012

National Day of the American Cowboy

This morning I had the great pleasure of attending breakfast to celebrate our friend M---- before she has her fourth baby soon . . . our goddaughter! There were actually four pregnant mommies at the event, which was a neat testament to life.

I did not order the fried alligator ("you know you're in the South when . . ."), but did take the opportunity to order something I'd never seen before: S’mores French Toast - "Chocolate dipped Texas toast coated in graham cracker crumbs sandwiched with marshmallow cream and chocolate." Honestly and mysteriously, it was not a sugar bomb. I couldn't figure out how all those ingredients were combined and yet the taste was not overly sweet. Positively delicious.

Meanwhile, Chris met up with M---s husband and their children with all three of our children in tow to attend Cowboy Day at a local museum. (And later I found out that yet a third husband and children of one of the ladies at the breakfast was also at the cowboy event!)

National Day of the American Cowboy Celebration

Celebrate the National Day of the American Cowboy at The Schiele with a not-to-be-missed day of Western-themed activities and adventures. Enjoy a whole lot of cowboy goin’s-on with live performances by gunslingers, ropers, chuckwagon cooks and historical re-enactors. Tour the Cowboys exhibit and learn about life on the range, and discover the plants and animals of the West that inhabit the rest of the Schiele Museum’s exhibit halls. 

Basically, it is one of the most fun days ever.

Margaret couldn't ride the bucking bronco, but she could ride an alligator statue. 

Bonus cuteness: After dinner, I ran a quick errand. As I drove down the street on my return, I spotted in the distance a bright red ladybug riding a Big Wheel in our driveway. It was Mary, wearing a size 12-month padded fleece ladybug costume, which made sense since it was only about 90 degrees and I-don't-want-to-know what degree of humidity outside.

Mary's most detailed family portrait yet: Margaret, John, Mama, Daddy, and Mary. Of course, you'll note that the yellow orb floating above our heads is a peach, the actual sun being the subtle yellow splotch in the upper left hand corner.


  1. Wow my husband and I are jealous in so many ways! He has always wanted to try alligator and I have always wanted to play he fiddle hehe.

    Mary looks so cute in that ladybug costume!

  2. S'mores French Toast?!?! Oh my!!!

    What a positively fun looking outing!!!!

  3. Did you know alligator and turtle are ok to eat on penitential days? :D Maybe surprise Chris one Friday. ;)

  4. Sarah Faith: And in some places (like Canada, I think) beaver was declared acceptable for penitential days!
