Sunday, July 8, 2012

Splashing, Raining, and Cooking

Charlotte has been experiencing a real heat wave lately, with temps bobbing up and down around 100. On Friday afternoon, we found a wonderful splash park: free and not overcrowded.

Margaret was unsure.

Adjacent to the splash park is a nice playground where most of the kids were happily playing in their swimsuits. 

Summer storms in the South are still so interesting to me! I grew up in Northern California where it rains from October through April and then is solidly dry (and hot) from May through September. That's just the way it is. Now I live in a place that receives the same inches of rain each month, only the temperatures change.

Mary is wearing her ear protection because the thunder was so loud. While Chris was sitting in the sun room, he witnessed a 30-foot tall tree (about 10" in diameter) fall down in the storm.

John and I thought it would be cozy to make a chocolate pudding pie.

With some whipped cream on top it was deeply satisfactory!


  1. Oh my gosh chocolate pudding pie is so good and I don't even like chocolate.

  2. Gotta love the oppressive heat and (scary!) thunderstorms of summer in the South! May I ask what kind of headphones is Mary wearing? We've been looking to purchase some noise-cancelling ones for our oldest to use during certain parts of her school work, as she constantly struggles with noise distraction.
