Friday, July 6, 2012

Nature Museum

This morning I realized that I did not feel wretched at the moment, so spontaneously I loaded the kids into the van and headed to the Nature Museum. Woo-hoo, I left the house!

Above, me at only 9-1/2 weeks pregnant.

Further evidence that all those fun websites describing pregnancy week-by-week are written for first-time pregnant bodies! "Although your body shape will not yet reveal that you are pregnant, your doctor would be able to notice . . ." 


  1. Fun!!!

    Funny you mention the change in shape. I'm 17 weeks right now, and I'm looking more like 7 months!!! :)

  2. Looks like you guys had so much fun. I love the picture of your little guy in the dinosaur hat.

    Hopefully your feeling better is a sign of good no more nausea things to come!

  3. Oh my...I am totally with you on the whole "first time pregnant bodies" thing! We're 11 weeks and I swear my body goes into pregnant belly mode at like 7 weeks!

    Been thinking of you a lot...I've been terribly sick as well. Its been giving me consolation to see that I'm not crazy...just very sick with all day morning sickness and its just a phase we have to survive ;) I, too, am spending a lot of time unable to get off the couch :)

    Blessings to you and the baby!

  4. So glad to see you felt alright this morning! It's amazing - you totally LOOK pregnant!!!!! I hope you begin enjoying the benefits of being visibly pregnant - people holding doors for you, carrying your groceries to the car for you (in a perfect world that is!)

  5. Ah, yes - our bodies are definitely that cute first-time prego body. Mine is worn, tired and very seasoned :)
    Not easy being preg in your 40s, but I sure am blessed to be!

    Congrats to you!! I just don't do the blog thing anymore and was excited to see that you're expecting again! God is so good!

  6. If only all bugs looked so sweet! I love your belly and had a good chuckle over that last line. I saw a picture on ICAN of someone at 20 weeks with a perky little tummy, and all I could think was that was what I looked like at about 8 weeks with our fourth... God bless whoever invented elastic.
