Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Artwork by Mary

At three-and-a-half, Mary's ability to write and draw is really improving lately! She is much more interested in drawing than John ever was and I find little drawings left all over the house. She draws people, animals, landscapes, and inanimate objects like furniture, and she uses a standard 2-D perspective as well as a bird's eye view.

A stegasaurus dinosaur (head to the left, with a smile) 

Mary and Mama in a sailboat

Mary learned how to write her name mostly on her own, just asking me sometimes how a letter was made. It really is humorous to me how I find MARY written on scraps of paper all over the house every day.

 Our family: I like how the girls have longer hair than the boys. I'm not sure who the sixth person is.

A self-portrait of a happy Mary