Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Swimming Lessons

On Wednesday the children began their first formal swimming lessons! We chose Little Otter Swim School based on recommendations for an excellent layout of facilities and we're pleased so far.

Mary is in Shiny Star Fish class for three-year-olds and John is in Rosie Red Fish class for four- and five-year-olds. At the beginning of each class, the children are given a colored tag which matches the flag their teacher is holding, so, for example, Mary knows to run to the teacher waving the green flag.

The parents get to sit in comfortable, dry chairs on the other side of glass so that children and babies not currently in class can run around without the parent being vigilant about no one falling in the pool.

There is a wonderful play area, as well as clean bathrooms, spacious dressing rooms, and a boutique area to buy swimming accouterments. If a parent so desires, there are showers to rinse off a child after lessons and there are warm air-blowing machines in the wall to dry off hair.

Mary and John really enjoyed their swim lessons. As we guessed, Mary, in particular, was eager and fearless about the water. Chris was able to join us for the first lesson: the whole experience was so fun for us to watch and I just about fainted from the cuteness.


  1. Neat!!! I think I turned into a weepy mess during Emma's first swim was much too cute!!!

  2. Looks like fun! I always had a bit of trouble wrangling my younger kids while dealing with dressing out of the wet suits at the end. Need to figure that out for this summer!
