Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Margaret Stands

After learning how to stand three days ago, Margaret (9 months 3 weeks) stood for 24 seconds on video this morning, here presented for your viewing pleasure.

Bonus Reading: I found this essay, "Rebirth: What We Don't Say" by The Sage Mama, to say just about everything I have said privately to a couple of dear girlfriends. I was going to write for my blog readers all the ways I agree with what the author wrote, but then I realized the end result would be basically very close to the essay she wrote, with a religious layer on top of that. So I won't and I'll just provide a link.


  1. Adorable and amazing! I think I mainly produce late walkers, 1 as "early" as 10 months but 2 as late as 16 months. Aidan just turned 16 months and he is JUST starting the walking confidently!!!

  2. There is such a wide variation in walking times!
