Saturday, October 1, 2011

Parish Annual Carnival

While I would rather be sleeping so early in the morning, I do enjoy the peace of being downstairs with only the baby in the wee hours of the morning. Without worrying about boisterous big siblings, I can set her down on the floor in the den, where she practices her "inchworming" as she chases toys.

The weather was gorgeous today for our parish's annual carnival: sunny and high of about 61 degrees. Margaret was able to don her fetching hat crocheted by my friend Sarah.

After the rides, we paused to eat lunch and visit the silent auction and bake sale before heading back out to play some games.


  1. looks like a wonderful festival :) What a fun, active place your church must be.

    I have to laugh about Margaret wearing her beautiful hat at 61 degrees... that's still shorts weather here :-)

  2. Christine: Yes! In contrast, here when we discovered how "brisk" it was with a high of "only" 61, we dug out all the sweaters, told John to wear long pants and Mary to wear long bloomers, got the hats, etc.

  3. Wow it still fits her, neat. :)
    Can't believe how big she's getting!
