Monday, October 3, 2011

Nanna's Sweater

When my nanna (father's mother) died, my aunt and uncle found among her belongings a sweet, pink baby sweater she had presumably knitted. We don't know who she intended it for (as nobody knew if we were having a boy or a girl), and my aunt gave it to newly born Margaret. What a lovely reminded of my Nanna! Now that the brisk fall weather is here, Margaret can wear her sweater.

Sister kisses!

You Know You're Catholic When . . . There are two crosses in the girls' bedroom and, by chance, each happens to be a "child's cross," the kind without a corpus on it, but instead with a little inscription or something sweet on it. I think every other room in the house, except perhaps the bathrooms, has a crucifix hanging on the wall. For months, Mary has been scaling furniture to take down one or both of the crosses (which she would then hide from me around the house) and I couldn't figure out her obsession, so I'd put the crosses back.

Today Mary took one down again and told me indignantly, "I want a crucifixion cross! One with Jesus on it! I don't want these crosses!"

Well, I can't argue with that logic! I promised her we'd get her a real crucifix for her room and she seemed satisfied.


  1. Audible laughing out here in NJ, did you hear it??

    I think we have crucifixes in every room except bathrooms as well. Don't you just love being Catholic!!??!!

  2. Haha so awesome. Go Mary! :)

    So sweet about the sweater! Margaret is getting so big!

  3. Girls' room? Is Mary moving out of John's room? We have lots of questions about when to put the baby in with the older sibling here, so I'm very curious as to when you would put Margaret in with Mary.

  4. Frances: Well, we have a "boy's room" (John) and a "girls' room" (M&M). But Mary sleeps every night in one of the two twin beds in John's room. They sleep better together. So, all of Mary's clothing and toys are in the girls' room, but she just doesn't sleep there.

    And Margaret sleeps better in her own room because she wakes so often and I wouldn't want her waking to wake the bigger kids. I figure a change will come likely when Margaret is 18-24 months old and we move her into a big girl bed. Then we might move Mary back into the girls' room and have them sleep together, and John would then be about 6 years old and not mind sleeping alone so much.

  5. So sweet. Love the faith of the little ones!
