Thursday, June 30, 2011

Learning to Read

We are launching!

John (4-1/2) wants to read and now it seems like signs of readiness are present: he figured out his letters this year (at the same time as Mary, two years younger!), he began asking all the time about rhyming, and he is now obsessed with spelling things, continually asking me to spell words, which he then taps out on the computer or writes out by hand.

So I bought "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons" and we launched today with Lesson 1. Mary insisted on joining us too, but wandered away halfway through, which was all for the better. John did well and wanted to move ahead to the second lesson, such that I felt like I was holding back a team of horses. (The book advocates following the teaching instructions strictly with the first child and not getting creative till later children, and I'm rather too nervous to do otherwise!)

I am excited to see where this goes and I hope I do the job competently.


  1. You'll do great. It might help to realize you can't learn for them. Takes a load off me, anyway. :)

  2. I agree with Sarah, you'll be fine. I am excited to know how the book works out for you~ I've never used it and instead use Sound Beginnings which is more of a phonics program.

  3. Modest Mama: Aaack! What do you mean? I thought I *was* buying a phonics program. All I know are "phonics" vs. "whole language" and that the latter is a disaster.

  4. Okay, I double-checked: "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons" is definitely phonics-based. This is an interesting website:

    There are so many reading programs to wade through!

  5. Have fun! I have OPGTR for reading instruction and Explode the Code. I'm interested to see how you like 100EZ.

  6. We also have this book, but with our oldest just now 4 we haven't used it yet. You'll have to update us on this so I have an idea what I'm in for. :)
