Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Happy Eater

I can't tell you how relieved I am that Mary is a good eater with no apparent feeding problems--but I'll try to tell you anyway because, otherwise, what good is a blog?

I remember the grip of emotions I felt when my milk was drying up during my pregnancy with Mary because John had only just started solids that very month (due to the undiagnosed tongue tie) and had so many eating problems. He refused to drink anything but water and I knew he was losing his "nutritional insurance." Now that my milk is drying up with this pregnancy, I am proceeding forward with complete confidence.

Mary has a great appetite and eats a lot of food. She rejected cow's milk until one or two months ago, so began liking it just in time. Now she asks for it every day! I suppose there are a few foods she doesn't care for, but basically she eats anything. She loves meat, including real meat that isn't ground up and squirted out of a tube like chicken nuggets and fish sticks are. I've seen her regularly eat an entire chicken thigh or half a chicken breast.

This morning for breakfast she ate three bowls of fruit, one bowl of cereal with whole milk (finishing all the milk), half a fried egg, two slices of bacon, and several crusts of toast (she eats John's rejected crusts, but she likes them better anyway because they are crunchy and she finds softer bread still a bit "chokey").

My relief is palpable! I'm so grateful not to be crying tears of worry over my toddler's nutritional intake this time around.


  1. OH! that visual of "ground up and squirted out of a tube" --- gross.....

  2. And we were so happy because Teresa ate her entire bowl of cereal this morning (about 1 cup)...if only she would eat that much several more times during the day! You are very blessed with Mary's excellent intake. :)

    How much is she nursing these days? Do you forsee her stopping earlier than John?

  3. Frances: I know, Teresa is such a sweet little peanut! Have you and David checked your records to see what your growth was like as babies? Both of you are petite people.

    I just nightweaned Mary a week ago and it went beautifully--exponentially better than when I nightweaned John. Interestingly, the nightweaning resulted in a reduction in her daytime nursing, which I wasn't seeking at all. But I wonder if that is because my milk is drying up. John also reduced for a while, but then all his enthusiasm came back later. :) So now, she's probably nursing six times a day.
