Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday's Snake and Other Fun

This is the snake we found on our morning walk.

Mary called it a "silly goose snake."

Eating lunch in the sun room for fun

This is how I found Mary silently hiding in the foyer: like an ostrich, if her head was hidden, nobody could see her. This is a high-quality coat rack, made of some very heavy metal like lead--I don't know!--so that it can hold many heavy winter coats. I have difficulty moving it, so I don't know how Mary manages to move it so often.



  1. Mary is very cute, the snake not so much. We have lizards in our yard and I run the opposite direction when I see them :0)


  2. Snake?! Oh my! You've gone way past me in the bug and critter department. No way would I have been that close to it. I don't even want to be close enough to determine if they are posionous or not. LOL

    For the last 2 1/2 weeks we have been enjoying our porch again especially for meal time. It has made housekeeping so much nicer since most of the crumbs stay outside to be swept away or carried away by the insects who are grateful we came to them!

  3. Andrew does the same thing,,, he's hiding if he can't see you.

  4. Your bravery in actually handling the snake with a stick is admirable. (And a bit suprising- I thought you were creeped out by such things?)

  5. Elaine: Chris was holding the snake on a stick, but actually I wouldn't have been that bothered. Now, a spider, no way, no how.
