Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will Climb for Food

I was eating lunch at the kitchen table when I glanced to the side and saw Mary peeking up over the counter, in search of food. Mary climbs. If anyone leaves a bathroom door open, she races inside, grabs the children's stool, and hauls it out to use around the house. If she can't find a proper stool, she uses other objects creatively as a stool. Recently she has begun peering onto the kitchen counters, foraging for food. Because if there's one thing Mary does as much as climbing, it is eating!


  1. Oh Katherine, this is so adorable! She really is a great little climber! I love the photo as well.

  2. Paul is totally a climber as well! Has been since before he could walk, and even crawl effectively. He still loves to climb. Thank goodness he is a careful climber. He also uses what ever he can find to climb on something. You would be amazed at the things he has used. Bottles, boxes (like cardboard), toys, shelves, chairs, shoes (yes, shoes), and he has even scaled the flat part the front of our cabinets, and also the front of the dishwasher and stove, he uses his toes like a monkey! There is no stopping him :).

    I love this picture :)

  3. Julie: That is so funny! Mary too uses her toes like a monkey and can climb up the pressure gate by sticking her toes in the holes.
