Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Partners in Crime

The below series of photos shows the kids starting to be "partners in crime," not that there was any crime in stacking paper towels, but it's only a matter of time. They're really playing together these days. They chase each other, including Mary chasing John. They play ridiculous games. (As I type, John is running up to her and shouting, "Oh cheesey cheese!" to which Mary laughs wildly and John runs away. Repeat ad nauseum.) Also John has begun talking to Mary instead of just about Mary. Often he instructs her with an air of fraternal importance, such as informing her, "I am growing into a big man. If you are a big boy, you know how to run."

1 comment:

  1. Oooh boy...I can hardly wait to see the trouble my two little ones start getting into together!
