Thursday, October 29, 2009

Time Is a Tricky Thing

John is very interested in concepts of time these days, but he really doesn't understand. He is far from understanding that time is immutable, so if I say that something is happening at eight o'clock, he tells me that it is eight o'clock right now. He thinks the timer we set is the same as a clock, so he'll show me that the timer hand is at the top, so it must be "time" right now.

What is most humorous is that he is trying to use "time" language often--to try it on for size, to figure it out--but he is using it almost at random because he has so little understanding. A typical example was from this morning when he saw a commercial for a particular television show and he remarked enthusiastically, "Remember when we watched that show two years ago?" We had watched it yesterday.


  1. That's fun! Emma's been using "time language" for awhile, and it always cracks me up when I ask her to do something and she says "In three minutes" while holding up three fingers...her "three minutes" are indefinite.

  2. For Joseph, anything that happened in the past, whether two minutes or two weeks ago, was "last night."
