Saturday, October 24, 2009


Mary doesn't seem to be a daredevil, but she is way more of a climber than John ever was at this age. For example, she's been happily climbing stairs for months, when John was still refusing to do it at 18 months. I couldn't teach John to come down off a bed safely (sliding on his tummy, feet first) I think until he was closer to a year and a half, but Mary is already a pro at that. This week Mary learned how to climb onto the children's chairs, on which she delights to sit and swing her legs or to stand.


  1. Must be second child syndrome! DS2 is like that...I'm always gasping with surprise/shock/fear at what he's attempting! She looks so her chubbiness! Both of mine thinned right out and shot up once they were mobile. Sigh. Miss that!

  2. Katherine, i *love* the diaper shots - b/c i *love* those ROLLS!!! Man, squeeze them thighs :)

  3. Yikes...if this is "second child syndrome" like Courtney says, I'm in SO much trouble with Jamie. You KNOW how adventurous Emma is. Can you just imagine what Jamie might be like???

    Mary is SOOOOOO cute. Want to squeeze her!!!
