Thursday, August 6, 2009


Big boy John is starting to understand the concept of time (which is why I was inquiring earlier in this blog about calendars)--and it is so cute to see how he expresses time verbally! John has very little understanding of actual time, so he throws in time expressions that are completely wrong:

"We're going to fly back to California next year or on Monday."

"Remember when we went to the restaurant last year?" (when it was last night).

"It's almost five o'clock, so it's time for TV show!" (it's still the morning).

I've started telling John our series of activities and he asks to be told over and over again, e.g., "This morning we're going to Target to buy cat food, THEN we'll come home to eat lunch, THEN we'll go visit Miss Ashlyn."


  1. The picture schedule I emailed you about would be great for this! That's why I'm using it too. :-)

  2. Courtney: The resources you provide me are fantastic!

  3. Clare still doesn't get her time concepts correct. Very funny!

  4. Emma's taken to wearing a little toy watch and will often announce (before it's time for us to actually leave on some errand) that "It's 59! Time to go!"

    She also likes to say "tickle me tomorrow" whenever Jason goes to tickle her (so we often explain, "today is yesterday's tomorrow!"). :)
