Friday, August 14, 2009

Not Having Fun

You know Mama is not having fun when . . .

(1) Husband is out of town. Baby is wailing in playpen where Mama has had to place her so she can tend to something necessary as quickly as possible. Toddler is wailing about some perceived disaster. Mama picks up toddler, who then notes cheerfully amidst his tears, "We [sister and I] are crying together!"

(2) Mama, toddler, and baby all have a cold. Mucous abounds. Toddler is learning to blow his nose and decides to try it by himself without getting a tissue first. He blows hard: a string of mucous flies out of his nose and lands on Mama's face two feet away. Toddler exclaims joyfully, "I blew my nose!"


  1. Oh dear! I'm cringing...for some reason, mucous is my gross-out thing. I can handle diapers, spitup, and all manner of baby/toddler goo, but mucous...ack. I feel your pain!

  2. How could something so not fun be so funny? ;-)

  3. I'm with Sarah. It's always funny when it happens to somebody else (especially when it's already happened to us, or it's something we know COULD happen one day). :)

  4. I hope for your sake that your husband comes back soon... that doesn't sound very fun at all.

  5. Christine: Never fear, Chris was already home by the time I posted that.
