Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nascent Sign Language?

As I did with John, I've been using sign language with Mary. I started some months ago, using the signs for NURSING, FOOD/EAT, and MORE. I am certain that she understands NURSING and I think she understands the other two. I've noticed in the last few days that she makes the above hand motion when she is eating, in between bites. It might be a first attempt at the sign for EAT (which you can look up here, if you're curious). I don't think she has the dexterity to bring her arms into her midline (similar to clapping) for the sign MORE, but she could make the sign for EAT to indicate that she wants another bite. I noticed that in between many bites, she'd make that sign, I'd prepare another bite for her, and she'd open her mouth. I need to observe more to be sure as this would be on the very young end to begin signing. But nine-month-old babies have been known to do it!

1 comment:

  1. It certainly would not be unreasonable to believe she's using a sign reliably. In looking back at some of my blog posts, I believe Emma was about 8 months old when she started using her modified sign for "more" (which looked more like a clap than the actual ASL sign).
