Friday, August 7, 2009

John Sings "Immaculate Mary"

One coffee can with a slit cut in the top + spare change from Mama's purse = John occupied with his new "piggy bank" for at least half an hour, allowing Mama to get ready for the day in relative peace for once!

This late afternoon I let John watch a DVD of "Signing Times" in our guest room, where I found him in the above position (you can't see his feet but they are near the carpet). Yes, he was indeed stuck but so mesmerized by the television that he wasn't even scared.

Deep Thoughts by John (2 years 8 months):

Scene: Mama is lying down with John and Mary at bedtime, everyone has been quiet for a while, so Mama thinks they're drifting off to sleep.

John (in a thoughtful tone): "Mama, do you see these walls?" (gesturing to four walls of the bedroom)

Mama: "Yes, I see these walls."

John: "A construction worker built these walls. A construction worker built our house!"

John proceeded to tell me how construction workers drove machines on our road, poured a concrete foundation, and built our house.

John recently memorized the first stanza of "Immaculate Mary," which he is recorded belting out here. This is real life, folks, in which you see my baby has escaped into the bathroom and has pulled up on the toilet seat--lovely!


  1. i am still in awe that he knows not only WHO built your house, but HOW it was built!

  2. JOhn is precious!!!! He has a beautiful little voice (so does his mama). I love the little connections he made about his house! Children's brains are wonderful!
