Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mary at 8-1/2 Months

Mary at eight-and-a-half months is crawling like a pro, pulling up, and in the last couple of days has taken her first halting steps at cruising along furniture. Mary has four teeth and I don't know her weight but she wears size 18-month clothing. She now says "Mama" distinctly when she wants me. She seems to understand the signs for NURSING, EAT, and MORE. Today she climbed three steps up the stairway.
Mary eats very well, in my opinion, especially after our firstborn's experience. She doesn't reject food or gag (and certainly doesn't vomit!). She's still at the stage in which I could skip giving her solid food all day and she'd be happy as a clam nursing exclusively. But she enjoys solids and "asks" for them when she sees me eating. For the last two months she never ate more than about one teaspoon a day, but in the last two days seems to have increased her appetite for solids. Yesterday she amazed me by eating two ounces of yogurt followed by quite a few bites of rice. The rice was funny, as I didn't know (and still haven't checked) whether it is safe for a baby Mary's age to eat cooked rice. John was eating rice for dinner and I stood up from the table to get something. I turned my back and when I turned back around moments later, John had silently gotten down from his seat and was feeding Mary (in her booster seat) rice with his spoon! My heart just about stopped beating, but Mary was fine. I intervened, but not before I saw that Mary loved the rice. So I fed her until she didn't want anymore!


  1. Wow! Mary is doing so well with solids! I don't think you have to worry about rice. It's usually recommended as a "first food." :-)

  2. Yeah, I don't think you have anything to worry about with the rice. Miss Eager Emma lunged for and gleefully consumed a mouthful of rice when she was 3 months old! Still one of her faves at nearly 3 yo.
