Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Happy Father's Day, Chris! Our children are blessed to have such a devoted father.

Chris posed for a series of shots in which he imitated some of John's goofy pose faces.

A nice shot of father and son.

After Mass, Chris made us pancakes (with chocolate chips and M&Ms in them) for his Father's Day breakfast. Yes, I am embarrassed that he made his own breakfast. But somehow after much practice I haven't yet mastered pancakes so, after we decided we wanted pancakes for breakfast and we did not want them a combination of raw and burned, he volunteered to make them.

John, for one, thought it was a great treasure hunt to look for candies in his pancakes.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice Father's Day! :)

    (Don't be embarrassed about the pancakes. For one, that's what make Chris such a good Daddy and hubby. And second, can't be any worse than me "preparing" Taco Bell for lunch, because I was too tired for anything else)
