Sunday, June 28, 2009

California Day 1

We enjoyed our best travel day yet.

John at age two-and-a-half was a much better traveler than ever he was before. He really enjoyed the special toys his Grandmom and Pop-Pops bought him, he absorbed the sights and sounds, and he chatted almost nonstop. Also, he took a nap merely by Daddy suggesting, "John, would you like to lay back your head and close your eyes?" Those of you who know I spent the first year of airplane flights with John standing in the center aisle, wearing him in my Ergo, and rocking him for the entire five hours will be as delighted as I am!

It wasn't always the most spacious arrangement.

Mary cooing on the plane. (I look so weird!)

At our layover in Las Vegas, John initiated conversation with a stranger . . . and then proceeded to talk his ear off for 15 minutes straight with no intervention from his parents. The fellow traveler was delighted and only ended their conversation when he had to leave. Then John promptly switched his conversation attempts to another man sitting nearby. He was a taciturn fellow who perhaps found talking to a two-year-old beneath his dignity, so he didn't say one word, even when sweet, clueless John stood two feet in front of him and just kept chatting and making hand gestures to illustrate his stories. I, for one, got such a laugh out of the situation that I didn't intervene and just sat back and let John talk! It's not like the man was even trying to read a book, he was just sitting there alone staring out a window.

My mom meeting her first granddaughter.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all made it safe and sound. See you later this week!
