Sunday, October 21, 2007

Celebrating Daddy's Birthday

John playing at home before Mass. Doesn't every young man need an argyle sweater vest?

This afternoon, Chris' family came over for a make-your-own-pizza party to celebrate his upcoming birthday. The girls absolutely fawned over Baby John and we all loved reading books to him.
Sophia (2), Anne (7), me (a lady doesn't tell), John (almost 11 months), and Ava (5).
John is not accustomed to being around other kids and, naturally, in the past he's been a bit overwhelmed when left to play on the ground with his cousins. But today he really seemed to like it! Only once did he become nervous and call for me. He spent much of the afternoon playing with his cousins. I had a glimpse into the future of having multiple older children to play with whomever is the current baby--God willing. John demands my attention so often during the day because it is darned boring to play alone! He just wants company. It was so relaxing to be able to sit and talk with the grown-ups for long stretches while John and the kids occupied themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Chris!
    John looks so darn handsome/sporty in his sweater :O)
