Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Miscellaneous on a Tuesday

Here we see John wearing his new American Apparel clothing. Some ladies went in on a wholesale order so I bought some items. I like the clothing because they are entirely without logos.

Sometimes John crawls into one of his toy baskets and plays there.

John was playing with his car in a very cute manner, so I grabbed the video camera. Of course, that's when he stopped and crawled away, chasing the cat (off screen).

This is typical of how John plays with kitchen implements while I cook. Here he is teething on one of my sieves. He got his fifth tooth today!

John has learned how to point with his pointy finger and he finds it very funny to point at things. When he points at me and I point back, then our pointy fingers touch, he laughs. He is also ever closing to saying "Daddy" properly. He can't make the long-E sound, so "Daddy" is currently "day" said with two syllables: "da-ay."


  1. love the lap shirt. The olive color really brings out his red hair!

  2. I like the picture of John in his toy basket! Very cute. :)

  3. Elaine: Thanks! Yes, I have discovered that olive is one of John's best colors. I think he will be a "fall" like his mother.
