Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Video of Slow Cruising

Click here for video of John slowly cruising (I apologize for the Oprah show which you can hear in the background--how embarrassing for me). I used the much-coveted portable phone to lure him along the coffee table. He started out holding on to the Exersaucer before I began taping. My camera's battery died seconds before John (over)confidently grabbed the phone with both hands. Then, of course, he crashed to the floor and shrieked. His most recent thing to do is to let go of whatever he's holding on to as if he can stand by himself, which he cannot do. For example, if he is standing at his Exersaucer and calls to me, I walk over to him and instead of waiting for me to pick him up, he just lets go and reaches his arms up to me . . . and plonks on his bottom.

So, experienced mamas, is there a general timeline in which babies remain in the cruising phase before walking? Or is it like crawling (no real pattern): some babies crawl for a long time before bothering to learn to walk, some babies don't bother with crawling at all but move straight from creeping to walking, etc.?

Tidbits: John did something I viewed as very smart a couple of days ago. I have been working on having John respond when I hold out my arms and ask, "Up?" He holds out his arms in response, meaning, "Yes, pick me up." He's also reaching out his hand to indicate he wants me to hand him an object. Sometimes he also initiates reaching out his arms to indicate that he wants one of us to pick him up. So, a couple of days ago John was in his playpen playing with his stuffed elephant rattle when I came to get him: "Up?" He deliberately put his elephant rattle in his mouth, then held out his two arms so that I would pick him up and he could bring his toy with him. I thought that was really cute and clever!


  1. As far as I know there is no definite time line. It is all up to baby.

    I love your story about the rattle in his mouth. That is one of the greatest pleasures of mommy-hood for me, watching them figure things out, when the light bulb goes on.

    I used to love oprah, haven't seen it in years. (We no longer have a cable feed.)

  2. Lily: Unfortunately (for me), Oprah has gotten really liberal and cutting edge. She used to aim for the housewife demographic, but no more.

  3. For about a month now Ruth (13mo) has been standing independently but refusing to take a step! She'll stand tall and proud -- even without pulling up on anything -- then squat to her knees to crawl. It's like she knows crawling is still a more efficient mode of transportation.

    Definitely, no time line!

    John sure seems bright! I know our babies understand a lot more than they can communicate verbally. It sure is fun when they pick up signs and gestures, and I think John is slightly ahead of the curve :-)

  4. I'm not all that experienced yet since Emma is only 10 months old, but I can tell you that there doesn't seem to be any timeline with cruising to walking (in comparison with Emma and my other friends' children). Emma's been crawling for three months now, and she's been cruising nearly as long, but she's still just happy as can be with crawling as her main form of locomotion.
